Decorating for the holidays

Hi friends! Just popping in with a few photos from our decorated apartment for the holidays. I absolutely love how a lit-up tree makes a living room feel so cozy at night! Bundled up in a blanket, with a bowl of popcorn, watching Christmas movies? Perfection.

I'm really excited because I took all of these pictures myself on MANUAL. I know. I've been blogging for five years and I've either had help taking photos, or I've shot on auto always. I just finished ABM's Mastering your DSLR class and it was super helpful. I finally get what shutter speed, aperture and ISO means! They don't have that exact class anymore, but they do have a DSLR Basics class that sounds really similar. My goal in the new year is to start taking my own outfit photos again. As much as I love Eric and his photography skills, we barely see each other in daylight. The only way I'm going to continue this blog is if I get out there and start doing things myself! When I used to blog 25x a month, I would always go out, set up my tripod and take pictures. I'm excited to start doing that again, but now with more expertise in how my photos will turn out (instead of how auto will produce them). Here's to blogging more! xo

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