February uniform

Did you guys have a good Valentine's Day? We were supposed to cook a meal at home, but I got out of work a little bit late, and Eric was playing a show later, so we decided to head out to dinner. Nothing fancy! We grabbed some sandwiches and salads. I'm trying so hard to stay on my healthy kick, even though I'm not seeing the results I was hoping for so far. It's a slow process, and it only gets slower the older I get, that's for sure. But! The key is not giving up, so today is always my start over day and that's exactly what I'm doing. Begin again, and again, if you have to!

I am just so happy that it's light out until 6pm now! Spring is definitely on the way. Just gotta hang tight for another month. It's supposed to be pretty warm here in Michigan this weekend, considering it's still February. High 50's! I'm definitely looking forward to that. Hopefully we can get outside a bit and enjoy the sunshine. I don't have total cabin fever, but definitely a little bit. I really want to take a trip somewhere, but since this year is the "year of no vacations" (trying to save money), I'm hoping we can take a little day trip somewhere soon.

If I had a uniform at all, this would be it right now. I'm obsessed with jeans, cozy sweaters, ankle boots, and brimmed hats. My uniform five years ago was definitely... patterned tights, floral dresses, belts, and chunky scarves. It's funny how things shift, but still stay the same. I love how I used to dress, and definitely want to channel that into my new 'personal style' discovery, but I'm definitely more casual now and I want to embrace that too. Something I've been working on lately in all areas of my life... balance. Balance the old and the new, the good and the bad, time spent here or there. It's definitely a challenge.

I hope you have a great rest of your week! My major goals to end the week... two training runs for my 5K coming up in March, limit dining out (we're already over budget...) and take as many photos as possible! Especially if the weather forecast is true. Plus, I really want to go through my closet, and focus on some of the questions in the book I'm reading, and pair down a few things. It'll be a little bit easier now since I've been following the ribbon method (or hanger method known to some) and maybe get rid of a few things I'm not wearing. I hope you have a great rest of your week!

Outfit details:

H&M Skinny High Ripped Jeans
H&M Sweater (similar)
Moorea Seal Woodland Wide Brim Hat (similar)
Tasteful in Transit Bag c/o ModCloth (similar)
Fitbit Alta (with camel band)
Faux Leather Chelsea Boots c/o Forever21 (similar)