Flared sleeves

Holy slackamole! I totally went missing there for a few days... err weeks, didn't I? I swear, sometimes time just goes so slow, and other times, it absolutely flies, and you have no idea what you did or how you got anything done. It's just been a whirlwind last couple of weeks! Eric had a couple of shows, I had a hair appointment (got a trim and a little more color for spring!), we saw a comedy show during LaughFest (which was so fun), we survived St. Patrick's Day (my least favorite day of the year), we ran the Irish Jig 5K (34 minutes!) and we saw Dawes in Kalamazoo. Phew! Busy, busy. And mostly all good. And even today, we're saying goodbye to winter... and hello to spring tomorrow. Yay!

I'm still plugging away at my closet, which is SO time-consuming, especially when you really haven't ever done a full-on closet overhaul. I've gotten rid of stuff before, but right now, I'm working to eliminate maybe 50% of my wardrobe. And it's A LOT. After blogging for almost 8 years, it's insane how many clothes you can collect. And I went through a lot of different styles in those 8 years. Crazy thrifter, vintage-inspired, romantic and girly, then a huge nautical phase, trying to dress for every location phase, and then just trying to keep up with being a "fashion blogger". No more! I've decided to not dress to fit a certain "blogger standard" anymore. It feels good to start pairing stuff down to what only I really love, and have way more of a cohesive wardrobe where multiple things work together. I know a lot of you have asked for more updates on this, and I'll work on a blog post as soon as I finish. But you can always stay up to date here, and I'll be announcing a huge closet sale soon too.

So yeah, we took these photos very quickly after devouring burgers at Bell's Brewery last night in Kalamazoo. It was getting super dark, and it was COLD, and I couldn't wait to hop back into the car. We went to see Dawes afterward at the Kalamazoo State Theater, which was amazing. I love that theater, and Dawes was so good! But after a few moscatos, and running the 5K earlier that morning, I was totally zonked, and felt like I was going to fall asleep standing up. Haha! I got to sleep in this morning though, we got crepes, and went to see Beauty and the Beast. I hope you all had a great weekend! In order to hit my 12x March posting goal, I'll be around here a lot this week!

Outfit details:

Piper & Scoot The Eloise Embroidered Blouse (similar)
AG Jeans The Jegging Ankle c/o Lee & Birch (similar)
Faux Leather Chelsea Boots c/o Forever21 (similar)