Press, features and winners!

I wanted to quick catch my blog up on a few things I've been featured on lately! A few days ago, I was featured in's 14 Cute Spring Date Outfits alongside many of my favorite bloggers! It's such a cute feature and there are a lot of great ideas for spring date outfits! I'll definitely have to use that to plan my spring date outfit that Brett and I will be taking soon! Thanks Glamour for featuring me!

I was also in Weardrobe's Blogger spotlight last week! It was so fun to see the Weardrobe ad's everywhere with my image on them! How fun! I absolutely love Weardrobe and posting my looks to their site. If you don't have an account, be sure to head over there and apply for one! It's such a lovely community. They have amazing contests and tons of inspirational ladies!