Level K

This post is going to be short and sweet. First, because... these pictures didn't work out in my favor. I've been taking a lot of my own outfit shots lately (without Brett) because our weekends have somehow magically disappeared over the past month. By the time I get home, it's still dark outside so I took these, these and these photos by myself. The photos just aren't as magical as they are when Brett takes them!

I liked this outfit, but I would do a few things different. Note to self: don't pair a tee-shirt under a tighter cardigan. I hate those lumpy arm wrinkles! They are my biggest pet peeve ever. And I would have paired brass jewelry with this instead of silver. I don't know why... maybe just another pet peeve of mine. But I am smitten with this skirt and my new moccasins. I plan on taking some major photos this weekend so I don't have to do another outfit shoot without Brett ever again. Ever!

Outfit details:

H&M cardigan
Forever 21 top
Dash to Class skirt c/o ModCloth
Target tights
Draping Silver bracelet c/o Shop Mamie
Minnetonka moccasins

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