July nights


I cannot believe we’re approaching the end of July… and that AUGUST is this weekend. 🤯 It went by so quickly! For how sloooowwww quarantine went, the last couple of months have just flown by. I haven’t really been getting out to take photos much lately, so I apologize for the lack of blog posts! I don’t know. I’m just kind of taking it easy over here. It’s been a weird summer. All I do lately is work from home, go running, and hang out with my girlfriends… likely we’re drinking on a patio somewhere. Haha! I guess I can’t complain about that. But yeah, I turn 34 in a couple of days, which is crazy to me. And then we go into August, which is my favorite summer month. I plan to get to the lakeshore as much as I can (my favorite time to be at the beach), see as many sunsets as possible, eat ice-cream, drink cocktails on outdoor patios, go tubing with friends, just have fun and live up the last weeks of summer and finish up a strange chapter in my life.


So I recently had a few dollars to spend at Madewell, so I ended up getting a few things on sale… but then went full-price for this top. They kept featuring it in different photos with jeans and I was like, I LOVE that top but it wasn’t for sale anywhere, so finally when it was listed, I bought it right away. Haha. I love it! It’s linen, so it definitely wrinkles a little easier, but it’s cute. I snapped these photos after a dinner of baking in the sun outside, drinking frozen boozy slushies, and eating hot chicken, haha, so I was bound to be a little wrinkly. But yeah, I run past this wall all the time by the Blue Bridge and wanted to stop and take pictures. I should have taken one further out, so you could see the whole mural, but I’ll just have to come back and get some from a different angle here!


Well honestly, I don’t have much else to update on! I’ve been posting a few more iPhone photos on my Instagram, so be sure to follow there for photos that don’t always make it to the blog. I’ll try and take more photos in August, or at least just bring my camera with me places. That way I can take some while I’m already out and about instead of making a special trip to take outfit shots. It’s so funny, I’ve been running this blog for 10+ years and I still don’t have a good balance with it. It just kind of ebbs and flows for me, which is totally fine. I’m thankful I don’t rely on this for my main source of income, and I can always treat it as more of a hobby, turn down all the sponsorships if I want, and just blog when I please. It’s more fun that way, but I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had here and I know more will come! Anyway, hope you guys have a great rest of your July!
