Nautical knots

Oh my goodness, what a weekend! I've been the busiest person on the planet, but it was so much fun! I had a million things to do for the blog and what not, but I basically just took the whole weekend off and enjoyed it with amazing friends and toured with Tall Ships. I'd relive every moment - every sweaty, dirty, gross moment. It was honestly so fun.

Friday night,  I headed out to Nautical Knots. It's one of those local spots you must visit if you're in Grand Haven - for a super yummy, soft pretzel. I love my buttery salty ones. When I put this outfit together.. I was trying to think of something fun that gave me the opportunity to wear a nautical inspired outfit and I go, "mmm, I could totally go for a nautical knot!" and then I thought, oh my gosh! How perfect, haha!

Am I a dork for always matching my outfits or putting themes to them? I don't know, maybe, probably. But it's so much fun! And to be honest, it's a lot easier to style up outfits when they have a fun theme or a quirky aspect to them to match my surroundings! I received the cardigan from Talbots and knew I wanted a nautical theme and all of the pieces just fell together perfectly! Plus, I toured with Tall Ships all weekend long. Hehe! I'm silly.

We were in Grand Rapids on Friday night, Howell, Michigan on Saturday for Bled Fest (amazing, amazing fest!) and on Sunday we headed to Chicago! I splurged at Urban Outfitters - can't wait to show off my new shoes! And then on Monday we were back in Grand Rapids. We stayed in the grungiest hotel of all time in dirty Lansing. It's moments like those you remember for a lifetime. Seven of us in a one-bed hotel room. A very dirty one. Hahah, life is so good. I hope you all had a super amazing, wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I'm so sorry I've been terrible on commenting back - this weekend has been so busy, but I promise to play catch up this week! I love you all. <3

Outfit details:

Old Navy jeans
Compass Rose Necklace c/o ModCloth
Forever21 tank
Cardigan c/o Talbots
Forever21 bag
DSW heels