Bettinger Park


Onto my final post from Lakeside, Ohio! Phew! I’m way behind, haha, but going to try and catch up a bit this week. So during our last night in Lakeside, we had to stroll the dock one last time and we played a game of miniature golf at Bettinger Park! It’s only like $2 to play or something, and it’s such a fun thing to do! I feel like we rarely get out when we’re home to do something fun and simple like this, which is so silly. So I’m glad we did that; super fun. We also grabbed a last ice-cream cone at The Whistle Stop before heading back to our hotel for the night! Such a fun trip to Lakeside, Ohio. I’d love to go back again someday! Thank you to Lakeside for bringing me there, and for the experience and memories! I’ll always love this weekend and this little town!

This trip was sponsored by Lakeside Chautauqua. All opinions are my own!


The weather was cooling down just enough (especially being right next to Lake Erie) to bring out the cardigans, which I love! I enjoy being able to layer up, and to be able to wear your fave summer sandals along with a cozy cardigan. I wasn’t really planning on layering the white on white, but thought it turned out cute! I’ve been awful at “pre-planning” outfits for trips lately. I’ve just been making more capsule wardrobes (using my Cladwell app) and then just figuring it out when we’re at our destination. My style has definitely been a lot more chill lately — sometimes I feel guilty as more of a personal style blogger, thinking I should probably try and step it up a bit more, but other times I just don’t care. This is my real, everyday style! I would like to maybe get a bit more creative with my everyday, but I still just want to make sure it’s comfortable and something I enjoy wearing. I think autumn just makes that easier in general with being able to layer and try new colors/items. So we’re almost there! 🍂


Alright — I’ll be back lots this week trying to catch up. I have a bunch of posts coming at ya from our trip to the upper peninsula, so stay tuned! So many lighthouses! And then after that, our trip to Springfield, Ohio, and then we’re onto AUTUMN content, which is so crazy! It’s definitely arriving here in Michigan. When you drive down the highway, so many trees are already turning colors and the greenery is all turning more yellow-ish. It’s so exciting. I love this time of year; I just love the transitional seasons. Eeee! Excited for all the pumpkin + spooky things. Have a great start to your week! xo
