Lower Tahquamenon Falls


We're back from the most magical weekend in the upper peninsula visiting the Tahquamenon Falls area! The fall colors were in full force, the weather was cooler, the rain held off for the most part, and we got to explore both the upper and lower falls, see two different lighthouses, drive down winding back roads, and eat lots of burgers and craft beer (wine for me, of course). I'd relive this weekend over, and over again. This weekend just contained everything that makes my heart so happy... Eric, lighthouses, October, fall foliage. I was such a happy lady all weekend long, and didn't want to return home! But here we are, back to the city, and I'll just have to relive the experience through my photos this next week!


We headed out on Friday, and drove straight to Paradise. We checked into our hotel at the Magnuson Grand Lakefront, with a room with a view of Lake Superior. We immediately headed out to do some exploring! We hopped on M-123 and headed toward the lower Tahquamenon Falls. The upper falls are probably more popular, but for some reason, I just love the lower falls. You can see them from a viewing platform when you first park and arrive, but I love renting the boat to take over to see the falls up close and personal. We had fun hanging out on the water for a little bit, checking out the sights, before we docked and made our way around the trail to explore.


The lower falls are so fun, because you can walk around in them, but you just have to be extra careful! The rocks can get so slippery, but if you go in summer... you can wade around, but this time, I brought my Hunter Boots so I could still wade around easily. Those boots were honestly so perfect for this trip. I also picked up this flannel and jacket from Target last week before our trip... and they were great additions! I pretty much wore this jacket the entire weekend. It's light enough so you can layer sweaters underneath, but provides a little bit of rain/drizzle protection and has a hood you can unzip if you need!


After exploring the lower falls, we rowed the boat back, and hopped in the car to head over to the upper falls. By the time we arrived, it started raining, so we decided to do the upper falls the next day and eat an early dinner at Tahquamenon Falls Brewery. It was great! We both ordered drinks and burgers for dinner. Delicious! After that, we headed back to our hotel to call it an early night. One thing I love about the upper peninsula is the lack of "nightlife", so it's such a perfect excuse to cozy up in your room, watch a movie, listen to the waves outside, and relax. I honestly love it so much.


I really want to start making trips like this a priority again. We took some time off last year to save money and pay off debt, but I'm ready to travel more again! I'm hoping to take a weekend-long trip like this at least every season... and day-trips more often. We have lots of fun places close to home too, but for some reason, I'm just so drawn to crossing the Mackinac Bridge and heading to the upper peninsula. I'm waiting for the day we can all work remotely and live wherever we want, so I can spend months at a time up here. Or maybe when I retire, I can buy a little cottage, and volunteer as a lighthouse keeper. Who am I kidding? That'll most likely happen. ;)
