Coffee run

We're halfway through February... so close to spring, and yet so far away it feels like! I really do love winter, but I definitely start to crave spring this time of year. The groundhog has officially called six more weeks of winter, and I'm loading up on all the warm coffee, cozy blankets on the sofa, and chunky cardigans. I'm trying to just enjoy this season of life right now though. Spring will be here before we know it, and now is the time to enjoy these quiet, cold nights, get to the gym as much as possible, and cook all of the hearty (and healthy) meals.

Are duster cardigans still in style? I'm honestly not sure what is in "style" anymore. I read somewhere that "fashion is optional" and I really like that saying. It resonates with me. I absolutely love personal style, but that to me means wearing what you love. So, I'm just going to keep doing that. I started a new "ribbon method" (tie a ribbon and put worn things to the right) for my closet, and that's working to start wearing some of the forgotten things and realize the things I never wear. When I go to switch out my winter wardrobe for spring, I'm going to take those unworn items and either get rid of them or store them separately. We'll see. I think I'm just overwhelmed sometimes because I have too much stuff, rather than not enough stuff.

Besides cleaning out my closet, cozying up on the sofa, and being optimistic through the rest of winter, not much else is new! I'm still working on my February small goals, and I'll talk more about that in March, but so far I'm doing good and making progress! I'm looking forward to watching the Grammy and Academy awards, celebrating Valentine's Day, filing our taxes, going to see Benjamin Francis Leftwich and The Head and the Heart, a special Friday Wine Club and going to dinner with my parents. It's going to be a good rest of the month... and then we're onto March!


So yeah, looking forward to the future, but also enjoying the present moment. I came across an old interview I did a few years ago about my motto "every day counts". I talked about how I only worried about that day and truly made that day count. I didn't worry about the future of how many times I'd have to get to the gym, or do a certain chore, or not dine out so we could hit our monthly budget goal. I just thought about that day, and it just made everything feel so much easier and simpler. So that's where I'm at right now... looking forward to the future, but putting my emotions and efforts into today, and focusing on the 24 hours in front of me. I know all of those "everydays" will get me somewhere great.

Outfit details:

Canonbury Park Maxi Cardigan c/o Ruche (similar)
Brawny Beauty Plaid c/o Threadsence (similar)
Banana Republic Boyfriend Jeans (similar)
Madewell The Transport Tote
Faux Leather Chelsea Boots c/o Forever21 (similar)