Introducing.. the Delightful Dozen!

I'd love to introduce you to the Delightful Dozen! We are a group of bloggers who wanted a more personal feel to blogging and a way to connect with each other, so we've decided to start a "sisterhood of the traveling style". We are all unique in our own ways, all different shapes and sizes with different styles and approaches to different clothing items, yet all connected through our love and passion in personal style, fashion and blogging. I wanted to introduce you to the girls first before I started doing posts, even though I'm sure you already know many of these wonderful ladies! We will be swapping clothes, posting side-by-side photos, posting items where all of us have styled one item so you get 12 different options for 1 single clothing item! We have a lot planned, so be sure to stay connected through our Facebook page! Each of us will have a link in our sidebars where you can view posts that pertain to this group and any photos will be posted on our blogs and the facebook page! If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of us! Now to the bloggers...

We have, starting from top left, Jenn from Sally Jane Vintage, Jen from Jen Loves Kev, Mel from Idée Géniale, Rebecca from The Clothes Horse, Krystal from This Time Tomorrow, Indiana from Adored Austin, Julie from Orchid Grey, Kristin from Leproust Vintage, Tieka from Selective Potential, Jessica from What I Wore, Erin from Calivintage and Elizabeth from Delightfully Tacky. I'm super excited about this project! I hope you all enjoy!

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