Date to the movies

Happy Tuesday! We're almost halfway through the week! Let's back up to the weekend though, where we had ZERO plans. Such a rarity! It was great to be able to decide what we wanted to do for a change! We ended up grabbing dinner at a mini food truck rally and having a bon fire at a friend's house on Friday. Saturday, I had a morning workout session, and we decided to do a little shopping, go out to dinner, and see a movie. I love those simple days so much! Sunday was another morning workout session, brunch, grocery shopping, and getting caught up on some things around the apartment. I feel like I'm in a good, healthy routine right now, which is so strange for summer, because usually summer is a complete whirlwind. So all good things over here!

So I've recently been picking up a few new things here and there after my giant closet purge last winter, which I still have yet to blog about. Ugh, sorry, forgive me! But this Free People peplum top is one purchase I made recently... and I love it! It's great for these remaining summer days, but will also be cute paired with a chunky cardigan and some ankle boots come autumn. After my first purchase ever from Nordsrom (see what I got here!), I tried everything on, and it all fit perfectly (with amazing quality), and now I'm sort of hooked on Nordstrom! Also, again, forgive me. ;)

One thing I wanted to talk about was my small goals posts. I decided to give them up for a little bit. I felt like I kept wanting to write out the same goals over and over, or come up with cutesty small goals I could accomplish easily, but they never really felt like "goals" at all; aka; make a yummy sangria recipe. I'm working on BIG goals (as always) but it's hard to break them down, and it's boring to continue to talk about. We're furiously saving for our emergency fund and a down payment on a house, and that just takes time. I'm still working on my health/fitness goals, and I know some of you were curious about me "throwing away the scale" and I'm totally fine admitting that it didn't work for me. For whatever reason, that just meant, "You're free to eat nachos and binge watch Netflix all night!" Plus, I'm not easily going to have a perfect relationship with food. I mean, my favorite meal ever is chicken alfredo, which my mom lovingly calls "heart attack on a plate". So by giving up the scale, I honestly felt like I was just giving up on my health and fitness, as silly as that sounds. I'm not obsessed with the scale (like I was feeling before), and I feel like now I have a better relationship than EVER with food and fitness by weighing in weekly, following a healthy meal plan, cooking more meals at home, and exercising several times a week. I'm feeling in control, which was the goal all along. I'll definitely be sure to share more about this journey once I'm into it a bit more, but let me know if you have any questions in the comments!