Spring Featured Blogger

For my spring featured blogger, I chose one of my favorite local bloggers, Kayley of Sidewalk Ready. I've been quietly stalking, ahem, reading Kayley's blog for the past few months and finally had the pleasure of meeting her a couple of weeks ago. She is just as sweet and stylish in real life as she is on her blog. I definitely see us becoming great friends and it's just icing on the cake that we're both Grand Rapids fashion bloggers! I know you'll love her as much as I do already. Here are some questions to get to know her a bit better!

1. When and why did you start a personal style blog?

Sidewalk Ready had it's first blog post on September 30, 2010. When I jumped into the world of style blogging, I really had no idea there was such a large community! A friend of mine suggested the idea to me and I thought it sounded like fun. I've always loved blogging and thought talking about fashion would be really inspiring for myself and others. That night, I updated my Facebook status to "I'm thinking about starting a fashion blog but am not sure if anyone will read it." Fourteen people liked that status and I thought that was a pretty good readership! ;)

2. What's your favorite thing about living in Michigan?

The seasons! I used to hate winter but it's really grown on me. It's so refreshing to have a new atmosphere every three months, especially when it comes to fashion. We are able to bundle up AND wear sundresses (sometimes in the same week - ha!). Aside from the seasons, I love our proximity to bigger cities like Chicago, and scenic towns like Traverse City. There is so much to do just a drive away!

3. Tell us a bit about Kai and how you met.

He's the greatest! He is very tall, has a great smile, and friendly eyes. He is a great listener, a hard worker, and loves me and our pets. I couldn't be more spoiled! I first noticed Kai when I was a freshman in high school and he was a senior. After crushing on him from afar for four years, I finally added him as friend on Facebook. Our mutual interest in photography is what got us talking, and a week or so later, we hung out for the first time in a group with other friends. I was SO nervous and hardly talked to him the whole night! I was certain I ruined any chance I had with him, but he asked me out on a date at the end of the night. After lunch at Qdoba where we talked about our lives, families, interests, and love for tomatoes, we were hooked! Eleven months later we were engaged, and ten months after that, we were married. That was four and a half years ago!

4. Tell us a bit about your day job(s)!

I am a hair stylist at a local salon called A.J. Pinder & Co, a very part time employee at the Gap, and Kai and I own our photography business, Kai Heeringa Photography. I have always loved dabbling in many areas and I feel like all of these jobs really encompass many of my interests, and keep me plenty busy!

5. Describe your style in three words.

Classic, polished, and feminine. I love feeling like a lady!

6. What are some of your favorite blogs?

There are certain blogs that I read every single time they are in my reader. Aside from Selective Potential ;), I always make sure to read Kendi Everyday, Wendy's Lookbook, M Loves M, See Jane, Atlantic-Pacific, and 9to5 Chic... I hope I didn't miss anyone!

7. What's your favorite thing to do?

I'm a big TV watcher. As much as I wish I wasn't, the truth is that DVR has kind of taken over my free time. I stay so busy with all of my jobs so I really like to just check out when I have the chance to sit down. I'm currently recording "Friends" and catching up on Chandler, Ross, Joey, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe one episode at a time! Oh, and I like shopping, duh. ;)

8. Future dream goals?

I started my blog without any aspirations. I'm astounded that I'm even where I am right now. I really like to take things one day at a time, and have no expectations!

9. What are some of your favorite musicians/bands?

Kai likes to call my taste in music "Pretty Music". I really love anything that is soothing and easy to listen to. My current favorite artist is Gregory Alan Isakov. I also can't get enough of Ray LaMontagne, Iron & Wine and Bon Iver.

10. Any tips for new bloggers starting out?

Stay motivated! It's really hard in the beginning because blogs never start with a large audience. Stick with it and constantly try to find ways to improve your blog. I think having quality pictures, writing with a voice, and having great style definitely help!

I hope you all enjoyed getting to know Kayley a little bit more. Be sure to head over to her blog and follow along! You can also keep up with her on Twitter and Facebook. And... if you enjoyed reading this feature, be sure to check out my other featured bloggers!